Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So much confusion

As I sit here looking at this picture of "the thinker" it makes me wonder. From my understanding he was sculpted to be sitting on top of the gates of hell looking down pondering the fate of those entering. Who's to say there is a Heaven or Hell. Maybe Heaven and Hell is what we make it inside of our selves. With so many religions now a days "fighting" to obtain your loyalty to them how do you know whats right and whats wrong? Growing up I wasn't given much spiritual guidance so lately I've been trying to put the pieces of the puzzle, so to say, together myself. It just seems hard for me to put loyalty to one group over the other when in reality you can find faults in most religion now a days. Do you just choose a religion and stick with them? What then if there is a heaven and hell? What if you chose the wrong religion to side with and you become damned for it? Or maybe I have just grown so accustomed to my life style that I choose not to see the truth in mist of all the lies. Maybe it's not meant for anyone to find the truth. You have religions leaders that tell you their religion is the true religion but maybe they've been miss lead. What if religion was merely created to draw divisions amongst people? So, what religion is the true religion? I guess it's one of those questions that won't get answered until that day of judgement comes, if that's what you believe in. If evolution is your thing then I guess you wait to the day someone builds a time machine to get the answers.


Adrast3ia said...

Theology is a subject that makes one wonder which religion is right or wrong. Many times this is why people do not choose to speak on it. There are many indeed, just as you have stated that have faults and "mysteries" that seem to be unexplainable. How is any one to know which are actually the religions that will take us to the pearly white gates or damnation in fire down below? This is a question that I am sure many are asking. Ultimately, as with all things in life, it will be up to the individual just as you have stated, to determine which path they will follow and what beliefs they will let guide them. As long as the individual believes in what they think to know as the truth, we can only sit back and allow them their right for deciding. We may not agree, or understand, we must just learn to live and let live, with mutual respect towards one another. I for one would love to wait for that time machine, because I am not sure about judgement day. So, once it is created, I will be sure to book me a flight, because I know this will be my only way of finding out. :) Many people do not have the strength and courage to disclose what they feel, and often they get into religion to guide them and feel as though their life really has a purpose. I believe religion should only be practiced when a person feels it is right for them. Not because everyone is doing it, or because it is said to be the "righteous" thing to do, but because the person feels they want to. Ultimately, once again it must be a self-made decision. As with all things, having self knowledge and making decisions for oneself is the only way to know.

~MuslimGirl~ said...


I read your post on myLot and I was impressed to see that there are people who still think and trying to find the truth. It seems that everyone is just busy in life and don’t have time to think about the future. Unfortunately many people are busy forgetting that they will all die one day,.. so what will happen next? Why don’t they care to know? Many people are just repeating the saying which says: “Life is too short, so live it to the fullest” but what about the afterlife? Do they think about it? Do they think why we are here? Whats the purpose of this life? No! They just think about this short life which they want to live even if they live it in a way that displeases God! There is no problem in living the life as we want, but with one condition.. we must remember that we will die one day and face our Lord who will ask us about every single deed. He will ask me.. Why did you insult that person? Why did you treat your mum in a bad way? Why did you harm yourself? And many other questions. And He will also ask me about my money, about every single penny.. How did I get it? And where did I spend it? Did I give the poor? Did I care to help others?

So you are on your first step in finding the truth because you started to think. So keep thinking and search, and know that there is a God who is watching and when He sees that you are searching for Him, He will help you to find Him.

Its not as you think that its hard to know whats right and whats wrong because the truth will take you to it and you will be sure from the truth. You just have to do some effort and with God’s guidance and help, you will find the truth. You have a brain, a heart and on top of all.. you have a God who will help you to know whats right and whats wrong. Just be sincere, search and ask God’s guidance and you will find the truth.

Yes, its so true that you can find faults in most religions, and this is because there is only one truth, so you have to search for it and you will find it. I know it’s a bit hard to find it as there are many religions and many different beliefs, but believe me its not as hard as you imagine because the truth is so clear but it just needs you to do some effort to see it. And this one truth doesn’t contain one single fault as it’s the message sent by God to guide us, and He is the creator and the creator can never make mistakes. But maybe you can see certain things as faults when they aren’t just because you don’t understand well, so just ask the one who knows and see what your mind and heart will tell you.. I mean when you ask, you are the only one who can feel if the answer makes sense to you or not, if its really logical and can be believed or not.

~MuslimGirl~ said...

This is the problem with most of the religions out there.. that everyone just listens to his religious leader/scholar/preacher and follows him blindly, this is a real problem. And another problem is “emotions”.. many people just believe in their beliefs because they “feel” they are true. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God (Exalted is He from such a thing) just because this is how they feel, because their life have changed since they found Jesus in their life.. So what about the Hindus who have the same feelings towards their gods? If Christians heal the sick “in the name of Jesus”, also Hindus heal in the name of their gods.. so there must be a greater power which do all of this, someone who is One, someone who is Unique. So emotions are not enough, they are good, but only after logic.
I respect my religious scholars so much and I know that, God willing, they will be greatly rewarded by God for what they do, but also I can’t follow them blindly, I must ask for proofs for what they say. I already know that, thank God, my religion is the true way of life, the straight path, but what if someone of them says that something is not allowed to be done, or that something displeases God? I will ask him for the proofs as I can’t follow blindly. I’m someone who wants to please God as much as I can, so I must listen to God, not to His creation. Who knows best what pleases God more than God Himself?!

You asked: “what if religion was created to draw divisions amongst people?” So by this question I understand that you wonder if there is even a true religion or not. My answer to you is that there must be a way of life, so religion is this way, it’s the way of how to live this life. So would God create us and create this life for us, and then leave us like this? Without a path to walk in? If you invent a machine, you have to write the instructions of how to use it, so would the Creator create us and create this life without the instructions? So what would be the purpose of this short life? Are we here to just play, work, marry, then die? Then nothing?! There must be a purpose of this life which is too short. And if there is no purpose.. what will be the difference between the pious man who prays to God, feed the poor, help the needy, treat everyone in a good way, and the one who murders, tortures, lies, oppresses, steals and treat everyone in a bad way? What will be the difference between the rich man who became rich by stolen money, and the poor man who agrees with what God gave him although its not much? Won’t God punish the first one and reward the second one who had patience because he didn’t forget that there is a Just God?

I always hear many people saying “God doesn’t care what religion you follow, you just have to love God and pray to Him in the way you like and call Him by the name you like whether you want to call Him Jesus, Ganesha or whatever.” First of all, I want to say who gave them the right to say that God doesn’t care? Did God tell them that He doesn’t care? How come they want to worship God in the way they like, and not in the way He likes?! And no, its not the same when we call God Jesus, Ganesha, etc., because Jesus is a man and Ganesha is an idol made of stones! How God doesn’t care when we pray to a stone, and not to Him? How can this be called “He is the same God”?! No he is not, and we should worship the creator and the lord of Jesus, not Jesus, and the creator of this stone, and our Creator.

~MuslimGirl~ said...

You also asked: “What then if there is a heaven and hell? What if you chose the wrong religion to side with and you become damned for it?” Its impossible to happen that you doubt the truth after you find it except if you are not a good person who deserves the guidance from God (and only God knows whats inside your heart), or if you were not really convinced by the truth in the first place. God guides the sincere people who really search for the truth.. God really guides everyone, but those who feel and accept the guidance are only those who are good.. those who are not arrogant, those who don’t find it pointless to worship their creator. Almost all of those who die as disbelievers in God, are those who are arrogant or ignorant (and God is the only one who knows how He will judge the ignorant people who didn’t know the truth). So I can never admit that all of those who didn’t find the truth will go to Hell because God is the Most Just and He never oppresses anyone, so maybe He will test them on the Judgment Day Cause they weren’t tested in life.. I don’t know really what God will do, He knows best, but what I know well is that God is Just and Merciful.. But He won’t be merciful with the arrogant people, who are too proud to worship Him. So even if He tells us that the disbelievers will go to Hell, I can't generalize and go to a disbeliever and tell him "You will go to Hell", only God knows so I don't have the right to say this.

Sorry, this was too long. I just wanted to give you a humble advice. May God guide us all.

~MuslimGirl~ said...

By the way, I would like to talk with you more and discuss many things with you which may help you on your journey and I hope that finally you find the truth. I want to help you to find it and I believe that I can really help you with God’s permission, willing, guidance and help. So please contact me (you will find my email on my page).

And may God guide you to the straight path.

Bean said...

I want to thank you all for the comments that I've been recieving, not only here but also on Mylot. I find it very helpfull being able to speak to people of different religious beliefs. It helps to give me a better understanding. I've been studing with a certain religious group for a few years now, and honestly at first I was open to listening to them but lately there's just been certain things that i can't seem to understand about them. They only speak to people of the same belief, so searching for religion beond them seems to be frownd upon. that was the reason for me starting to write this. I feel that there is just reasoning in alot of what they teach but at the same time I am just not truly convinced that they are the right religion. I think that in trying to please God and mimick The Christ they might be a bit extreme and over anylizing their version of the bible. With so many reversions of the The bible( to fix each sect of christiandom/christianity) I think that it is best for me to keep an open mind and keep searching and not just commit to the first religion that I begin practicing with because of the thought that I will hurt their feels for putting in so much time and effort to helping me want to find the TRUTH about GOD. I have grown to have a deeper respect for God over the past couple of years that I ever had. I think I owe it not just to God about also to myself to make sure that I am gaining proper knowledge of him. I would Love to speak with you more on your view oF God.

~MuslimGirl~ said...

Thanks for your reply and for the e-mail :) I will reply to your e-mail soon. I have many things to tell you :) May God bless you.

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